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About Dapper

Dapper is a micro ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) library for .NET, specifically designed to simplify database operations when working with relational databases. Dapper provides a simple and efficient way to map database records to .NET objects and vice versa. It's an open-source library created by the Stack Overflow team and is often used in applications where developers want to write efficient and optimized data access code while maintaining control over SQL queries.

Key Features of Dapper:

  1. Performance: Dapper is known for its high performance. It is lightweight and does not introduce significant overhead in the database operations. This makes it an excellent choice for applications that require fast data access.

  2. Simplicity: Dapper's API is minimalistic and easy to use. It provides extension methods that can be used with ADO.NET data connection objects. Developers write plain SQL queries and map the results to objects with minimal code.

  3. Parameterized Queries: Dapper supports parameterized queries, which helps prevent SQL injection attacks and ensures safe data access.

  4. Flexible Mapping: Dapper can map query results to simple objects or complex object graphs, allowing for flexible mapping of database records to .NET objects.

  5. Custom Mapping: Dapper allows you to provide custom mapping logic if the default mapping isn't suitable for your data model.

  6. Async Support: Dapper supports asynchronous data access operations, which is important for building responsive applications.

  7. Stored Procedures: Dapper can work with stored procedures, making it easy to execute complex database operations.

  8. Open Source: Dapper is an open-source library with an active community, ensuring ongoing development and support.

Use Cases of Dapper:

  1. Data Access in ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core: Dapper is commonly used in ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core applications for data access. It provides efficient data retrieval and storage capabilities.

  2. Microservices: Dapper is suitable for microservices architecture, where each microservice may have its own database and needs to efficiently query and update data.

  3. Data-Intensive Applications: Applications that rely heavily on database interactions, such as reporting and analytics tools, can benefit from Dapper's performance.

  4. Real-Time Applications: Applications that require low latency and real-time data access, like online gaming or financial systems, can use Dapper to ensure high performance.

  5. Data-Driven APIs: When building APIs that serve as intermediaries between client applications and databases, Dapper can provide a lightweight and fast data access layer.

Dapper is well-regarded for its simplicity, speed, and performance. It is particularly suitable for projects that prioritize efficient data access, where complex ORM frameworks might introduce unnecessary complexity and overhead. Developers can write raw SQL queries and map results to objects, providing fine-grained control over database interactions.

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