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About Plywood

Plywood is a JavaScript library that simplifies building interactive visualizations and applications for large data sets. Plywood acts as a middle-layer between data visualizations and data stores. Plywood is architected around the principles of nested Split-Apply-Combine, a powerful divide-and-conquer algorithm that can be used to construct all types of data visualizations. Plywood comes with its own expression language where a single Plywood expression can translate to multiple database queries, and where results are returned in a nested data structure so they can be easily consumed by visualization libraries such as D3.js. You can use Plywood in the browser and/or in node.js to easily create your own visualizations and applications. For an example application built using Plywood, please see Pivot. Plywood also acts as a very advanced query planner for Druid, and Plywood will determine the most optimal way to execute Druid queries.
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