Talentcrowd Blog

Powering Fintech Innovation With Remote Teams

Written by Talentcrowd | Aug 7, 2023 2:30:00 PM

It shouldn't be news to anyone that technology is revolutionizing pretty much every industry, and the financial sector is no different. This has led to an entirely new industry term "FinTech" which is pretty self explanatory. You take part of the word "financial" combine it with part of "technology" and you make up a whole new word. Pretty clever.

Anyway, this has been a rapidly growing industry with a huge demand for FinTech software developers, especially for those with experience in FinTech app development. But, finding the talent to keep with the demand for FinTech software development projects has proved to be difficult.

That's why many FinTech companies have turned to remote development teams to create their new banking apps, automated investment platforms, and ongoing product development projects. In a regulated industry such as financial services, there are concerns that come with hiring remote developers. But, with proper precautions remote developers can open up a world of possibilities for those looking to create innovative FinTech software solutions.


The Rapid Growth of Jobs in FinTech

The continued reliance on digital tools and platforms flipped the financial industry on its head, leading to an explosion of FinTech developer roles.

The rapidly expanding Fintech software development industry has created a lot of jobs, but there aren't always enough developers to fill them. These projects call for specialized roles beyond the expertise of traditional software developers. A successful project requires data scientists, mobile app experts, AI specialists, cybersecurity experts, and more.

The complexities of the industry creates the need for a lot of skilled developers and engineers. It also makes it difficult for one company to find and fill every position that's needed.

FinTech app development continues to be at the forefront of the industry. With an increased reliance on digital financial transactions from mobile banking apps, online investment platforms and digital wallets, the entire banking industry has gone digital. Consumers want to be able to do everything from their phones and financial services companies are trying to keep up.

The need for skilled mobile app developers continues to grow as companies compete to make the most secure, user-friendly, and innovative applications for their users. As the demand for skilled developers grows, it get harder and harder for institutions to find the talent they need.

Especially for companies in less populated areas, the already limited talent pool shrinks even more. But there is hope. The continued growth of remote work and the ability to outsource to specialized developers is helping make software development for financial services a reality to those who struggled to fill FinTech jobs.


Overcoming Geographical Limitations with Remote Development Teams

One of the biggest challenges for companies working on software development for FinTech is finding skilled FinTech software development services. This is often due to the limited talent pool of highly skilled and specialized developers in their area.

A remote development team provides a potential solution. Utilizing remote development teams allows you to expand your search beyond your local talent pool. You now have the opportunity to tap into the skills and experiences of developers across the country or even the world.


Driving Growth and Innovation in Financial Software Development

The FinTech industry is incredibly dynamic, with new technologies, regulations, and consumer preferences constantly changing. To succeed in this environment you must be innovative and growth driven. Remote development teams can be instrumental in helping you create FinTech software solutions. 

The geographical diversity of remote teams fuels innovation. Having a team that comes from various backgrounds means having access to a broader range of ideas, perspectives, and experiences. This diversity leads to new ideas, out-of-the-box thinking, and innovative solutions that help separate your FinTech software from competitors.


Flexibility and Diversity in FinTech Development Services

To navigate the changing landscape successfully, you also need a flexible and adaptable team by your side. This is where remote development teams truly shine.

By outsourcing to remote teams, you can easily scale your development resources up or down as needed.

Need to get a big project over the finish line? You can get more devs to help out on the project.

Just finished a project and just need background maintenance and a slow rollout of new features? Scales down and only pay for the services you need.

You have the ability to hire the developers you need, when you need them, without the long-term commitment. This allows you to access the experts you need for special projects without needing to keep them on a full-time payroll.

Remote development teams also provide flexibility so you can find a team of developers that meet your specific project needs. For instance, you can build a team with specialists in FinTech app development, cybersecurity, data analytics, blockchain technology, and more. This diversity can help push the boundaries, foster innovation, and provide your company with a competitive edge in the FinTech space.

Remote teams also offer a solution to the "how to find a software developer" puzzle by providing access to a global pool of talent. This global reach doesn't just help you fill gaps in your team quickly; it also brings a wealth of diversity to your FinTech projects. Remote developers come from different backgrounds, each bringing their unique experiences, perspectives, and problem-solving skills to the table. This diversity can spur innovation and enhance the creativity and quality of your FinTech solutions. It ensures that your software is developed with a wide range of perspectives in mind, catering to a broader audience.


A Cost Effective Solution

In addition to the performance benefits of a scalable team, there are also significant cost saving with remote teams. You obviously eliminate the overhead costs associated with traditional, in-house teams, such as office space, utilities, and physical equipment. But beyond that, outsourcing to remote teams on a contract basis means you only pay for the work done and the expertise used. This pay-as-you-go model can lead to substantial cost savings, making FinTech software outsourcing a smart financial decision.

With less risk and more flexibility, hiring remote developers can make your next custom fintech software development project much more affordable.


The Value of Onshore Development

Outsourcing your software development to remote teams does not mean compromising the quality of your work. If done right, it can actually improve it. That's why it's crucial to look into onshore development solutions.

Hiring onshore developers means you'll have professionals who understand your audience, speak their language, and follow the same regulations. This is especially important in a heavily regulated industry like financial services.

Personal financial data is extremely valuable meaning it’s often under attack. You need to be able to protect your company and clients from exposure or litigation. Sticking to onshore software development ensure that the developers must abide by the same regulations as your company, and they'll likely have a better understanding of the law.

The other advantage is that these onshore developers will have a lot more in common with your consumers. This means they'll be able to offer additional insights and have a vision for the end product they're working to create.

That's why onshore outsourcing is essential for finance software development. It will ensure your new product complies with all financial regulations and is made with your consumer in mind.


How To Find Your All-Star Development Team

If you need skilled, on-shore developers to tackle your next FinTech development project, turn to Talencrowd. At TalentCrowd, we offer more than just software development services; we want to be your partner.

We have a large pool of talented onshore developers with experience in FinTech. Each of our developers is thoroughly vetted to ensure they have the skills and experience you need.

Whether you're building a complex financial platform, or a simple banking app, our team of developers is ready to make your project a success. Out track record speaks for itself.

Let us worry about finding developers so you can focus on what matters most; creating an innovative product that appeals to the needs of your customers.